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Board Meeting News - 3/16/17: New resolution in support of students and families regardless of immigration status; Strategic Planning update; Transforming Campbell Middle School

elementary school children smiling

At the March 16 meeting, Governing Board members adopted Resolution Reaffirming Support of Immigrant Students and Families, which states: “Campbell Union School District welcomes and supports all students and their families, regardless of their immigration status.”  In addition to reaffirming support, the resolution provides guidance about how to provide it within legal parameters.

The full text of the resolution is being sent to all District families through regular school news distribution channels. It is also available online at, or in print by contacting the District, 408-341-7254 or

Also at this meeting, the Governing Board reviewed the outcomes of the recent Strategic Planning Session and heard a report about enrollment projections related to the proposed transformation of Campbell Middle School into a PreK—8th grade school.  Read the Board Meeting News (bilingual) and full resolution text.