Consul for a Day Opens May 4 Board Meeting
Board Meeting News – 5-04-2017: Suzzette Hernández de Orta, of Sherman Oaks, for being named Mexican Consul for a Day. Agenda included transformation update and more.

Ms. Orta told the Board about her experience as Consul. Then the Campbell Middle School students explained their award-winning entires in the Math-Engineering-Science Achievement (MESA) regional competition.
Later, the Superintendent reported on the progress being made by the Transformation Team, noting that members will vote May 17 on an enrollment model (TK-3 or TK-4) recommendation for opening the new school. The school transformation is part of a Strategic Plan goal that states: Ensure that Every CUSD School is a Place Where Students, Parents and Staff are Safe and Thrive.
Board Meeting News is published after regular Governing Board meetings, and covers topics relating to the District Strategic Plan and the Local Control & Accountability Plans. Minutes and presentation information are available on request or online at Information about the School Transformation also is available on request or on the transformation web page.