Passing of Castlemont Student
September 16, 2022 Statement from the Superintendent

Dear Campbell Union School District Family:
It is with great sadness that I share with you that, the Castlemont 3rd grade student who was injured this morning, has passed away.
Our school community is heart-broken by this development, as every single one of our students we care for and love like our own.
As a parent, and as your superintendent, I ask you to please hold the family in your thoughts, as they will need our entire community to hold them in our arms.
In our desire to support our students and staff, we will be making counselors available to give them the space to process this morning's tragedy.
As further information becomes available, I will make sure to share it with you. However, at this moment, we are going to focus our energy on supporting our students and staff at the site.
Dr. Shelly Viramontez, Superintendent