RHMS Teacher Earns Regional Award
Jennifer Bell Named Educator of the Year by League of Middle Schools
Campbell Union School District announces that Jennifer Bell, sixth-grade teacher at Rolling Hill Middle School, was named Educator of the Year for California League of Middle Schools (CLMS) Region 5.
The award is given to California middle school teachers who exemplify educational excellence and who have made significant efforts to implement elements of educational reform. Region 5 represents Santa Clara County.
“Jennifer is an exemplary teacher,” said Superintendent Shelly Viramontez. “She is a facilitator of learning, allowing her students to develop the key competencies they will need for success in the yet-to-be-defined workplace they will enter one day.”
“Entering her classroom, students are engulfed in their own learning, working on a learning target that has meaning to them,” said Rolling Hills Principal Ted Cribari. “She is a powerful teacher from whom others seek input in a collaborative manner.”
Bell was recognized for her dedicated and innovative work with students at the school and for her leadership when working at the district level. She has worked to implement proven instructional techniques, including learning targets and writing strategies that benefit all learners.