Good News for School-Home Communications
Making It Easier For Families To Stay Informed, Engaged In Student Learning

Studies show that communication between school and home is vital to student success. Campbell Union School District parents and guardians have asked that we make it easier for them to access information from their child’s teacher about their child’s progress and more.
Streamlining communication channels for parents and guardians improved last year as ParentSquare* became the standard tool for school-to-home notices. This year, teachers will begin using ParentSquare, giving parents a unified tool for nearly all back and forth communication with the teacher and the school.
Communication Norms
Between Teacher/Staff and Parent/Guardian
- ParentSquare notices (Learn more)
- Scheduled conversations by phone or in person
From Student to Parent/Guardian
- Seesaw
- Student’s secure CUSD Email
Between School/District and Parent/Guardian
- Website (Our schools)
- ParentSquare* notices (Learn more)
- Weekly E-newsletters (Subscribe here)
- On campus signs, Banners, Bulletin Boards
* ParentSquare notifies parents/guardians via email, text, and/or no-charge app notices in their preferred language. Offers 2-way communication and parent/guardian control of how they receive notices.
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Visit our Emergency Information web page.