District Takes a Bite Out of Hunger with Community Meals Program
Drive-through meal pick up will continue on Wednesday afternoons at two school sites.

Students participating in full distance learning, and any other children in the general community 18 years of age or younger are eligible for no-cost meals through our district's participation in a community meals program.
Every Wednesday afternoon, two drive-through locations will offer 5-day bundles of meals for pick up:
- Rosemary Elementary School: 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm
- Sherman Oaks Elementary School: 12:30pm to 1:30 pm
If you have questions about the community meal program, please contact our Child Nutrition Department at https://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=ezc2b2MIGVZ0HW1Faxwafy83JGRJMTFz_1464/r=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FtcGJlbGx1c2Qub3JnL25ld3MvY292aWQtbWVhbHMtY29tbXVuaXR5LTA0MjgyMDIx/v=Mi4z/p=OC4yLjIx or 408-341-7210.