State and District Update COVID Plans
Fewer restrictions, more school time, as life with COVID-19 normalizes

Under the most recent changes to the state’s COVID-19 guidelines, students and staff will be able to return to school sooner, as long as their symptoms are improving. That is one of several changes announced by the California Department of Public Health this month.
In response, Campbell Union School District has made the appropriate updates to the COVID-19 response plan. Following is a summary of the updates.
Effective March 13, 2023:
- A COVID-19 positive person may end isolation after five days and return on day six if they feel well, have improving symptoms, and are fever-free for 24 hours, with less emphasis on testing negative. They must continue to wear a mask until after Day 10. This change aligns with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.
- After ending isolation, individuals may remove their mask sooner than Day 10 with two sequential negative tests one day apart.
- Updates to the definition of infectious period.
Effective effective April 3, 2023:
- Masks will no longer be required in indoor high-risk and health care settings. They are optional.
- Schools will no longer send exposure notices home when a positive COVID-19 case is reported
The full CUSD plan is available online in English and Spanish here.