Board Approves 20-21 Reopening Plan
Phase-In Plan Calls for Distance Learning to Start the School Year

At its July 15 Special Session, the Governing Board approved Campbell Union School District's 2020-21 Phase-In Plan for reopening its elementary and middle schools. Members acknowledged the plan's focus on the ability to be safe, nimble and responsive to local COVID-19 conditions.
The Board presentation is available on the COVID-19 web page.
Additional communication will include:
- Sending the presentation to employees and families with the Friday Briefing
- Posting Frequently Asked Questions on the COVID-19 web page
- Publishing a detailed reopening plan report next week and sending to staff and families
- Conducting Virtual Community Meeting(s)
○July 29 at 5:30 6:00p in English*
○July 30 at at 5:30 6:00p in Spanish*
NOTE: We are investigating providing a simulcast so there can be one meeting in both English and Spanish on July 30th.