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On-campus COVID-19 Tests Begin Soon

Community testing Sept. 3 and launch of school-site testing Sept. 9

gloved hands hold a COVID-19 testing vial

Starting this month, Campbell Union School District students and staff will be able to have a free on-campus test for the COVID-19 virus and find out the results within minutes. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends this additional layer of protection in schools to reduce the spread of the virus, prevent outbreaks, and allow healthy students to continue learning at school.

The district has partnered with professional testing experts at Grapefruit Testing to provide no-cost COVID-19 screening tests at all of its 12 schools. Only students with parent/guardian consent forms on file may be tested.  (English and Spanish forms)

This is the general plan:

  • Phase 1, Community testing, begins on Sept. 3:
    Free community testing for COVID-19 begins at the PLC Building, located next to Monroe Middle School, on Genevieve St., San Jose. Open to all. 
         Mondays through Thursdays: 8:30am–5pm
         Fridays: 8:30am–7pm
         Saturdays & Sundays: 10am–5pm

“Regular testing, along with COVID-19 vaccination, helps protect students, staff, family members, and others who are not currently vaccinated against COVID-19 or are otherwise at risk for getting seriously sick from COVID-19…”Testing programs help keep students in the classroom and allow them to take part in the other activities they love.” 

—Centers for Disease Control & Prevention