County Goes Back to Purple Tier. What it Means for CUSD Schools
Possible delay for students' return to campus

Due to a stark increase in COVID-19 cases, Santa Clara County has moved back two tiers to the most restrictive Purple or Widespread Tier as defined in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. This development could delay the January launch of our district’s plans to gradually bring students back to school for in-person instruction.
The Governor surprised state and local planners on November 16th when he announced his “emergency brake” that moved Santa Clara County from the Orange to the Purple tier order effective November 17th.
The district had been planning to begin Phase Two of its Reopening Plan on January 4th. If the county is still in the Purple Tier when the December Winter Break begins, that date will need to change, according to Superintendent Shelly Viramontez.
The Blueprint specifies that schools that have not reopened for in-person instruction must wait to reopen until the county has been in the Substantial (Red) Tier for 14 days. Programs already in operation may continue, such as the district’s Learning Labs, CampbellCare and preschools.
“Our first priority is the health and safety of our students and staff,” said Superintendent Shelly Viramontez. “We encourage everyone to help get the virus back under control so schools—and other parts of our community—can reopen. Wear a face covering, wash hands frequently, practice physical distancing, and limit social gatherings to your own household.
The county is scheduled to remain in the Purple Tier through December 8th. Depending on how local trends look, the District will determine whether to delay the January 4th reopening date or not.
See a video breifing from the Superintendent on our Youtube channel. Please also watch for updates on the changing status of school reopening via email and in our weekly e-newsletters
See the November 17, 2020 Executive Summary for an overview of the changes. Details about how the Governor’s order will impact our county as a whole are on the Santa Clara County Public Health Department website.