Local COVID-19 Vaccine Information, Clinics and Testing
We offer the following information in support of community wellness.

There are several upcoming events that may be of interest to our community...
COVID-19 Testing Event
- Sat., June 12: 10AM-6PM at Rosemary Family Learning Ctr., 401 Hamilton Ave, Campbell. (Sponsored by County Public Health) Register in advance 888-634-1123 or www.lhi.care/covidtesting.
COVID-19 Vaccine Events
- Thur., June 10, 4-7:30PM: San Jose Earthquakes vaccination event. 1st dose vaccine clinic at PayPalPark, 1123 Coleman Ave., San Jose. Player autographs, food truck, family activities and more.
- Drop-in Vaccine Clinics
For the most up-to-date drop-in vaccine clinic schedule and locations in various languages, please use the following links (for languages other than English, please scroll down the page until you see the drop-in clinic schedule table):
• English • Spanish • Vietnamese • Tagalog • Chinese
Education Community COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall
- Thursday, June 10 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.: Kaiser Permanente South Bay, in partnership with the Santa Clara County Office of Education, invites you to a town hall for parents and the community. Please join us to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and to ask your questions of our experts.