Our Energy Savings Is Something to Celebrate!
Our efforts to conserve energy are making a better future for students and making us a leader among California schools.
Campbell School District earns two distinctions for saving energy
Campbell Union School District’s efforts to conserve energy are making a better future for students and making us a leader among California schools. This month, we received two distinctions: the Energy Leadership Award for its net-zero energy use building, and special funding through the California Energy Conservations Assistance Act.
Award-winning buildings
In recognition of outstanding accomplishment in the field of environmental sustainability at California schools, Campbell Union School District received the Energy Leadership Award at the Green Schools & Colleges Summit in Pasadena on November 5, 2014.
The new net-zero energy multipurpose building at Blackford School will produce more than or equal to the amount of energy it will consume over the course of each year. Innovative energy features include electricity producing roof-top solar panels, a full glass front and skylights to eliminate the need for electrical lighting during the day, daylight and occupancy sensors that control the lights, automated windows that create passive ventilation which opens or closes the windows depending on the outside temperature, thick insulation, and a white roof to reflect heat. The solar panels produce energy year round, and any surplus generated goes into the “grid” to be used later when the building needs more energy than it produces at that time.
Funded by the voter-approved Measure G school bonds, the net-zero energy building at Blackford is the first of eight energy efficient building planned for Campbell Union School District.
Solar installation projects earn special funding
On November 17, the district became one of only three school districts in the state to receive special funding through the Energy Conservation Assistance Act (ECAA). The California Energy Commission awarded Campbell Union School District a $7.5 million zero-interest loan for energy efficiency measures and solar installation projects at 11 schools. The individual projects will be paid back between 11 and 18 years and collectively will save more than $480,000 annually.
Funding is provided by the Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39), through the Energy Conservation Assistance Act, and must be used for energy projects.