Sunshine Saturday Augments Learning Opportunities
Expanded Learning program aims to accelerate student learning after a year of distance learning

Thanks to a State grant, Campbell Union School District is able to expand learning opportunities to students this year. The new Sunshine Saturday program, operated by the district’s Expanded Learning Department, is one of those opportunities.
“We are using the grant funds to address the priorities that our stakeholders identified” said Expanded Learning Department Director Martha deOjeda. “The program gives students more opportunities for learning, socializing, and exercising,”
At the first Saturday session, 35 students played games, such as Zombie tag and starfish tag, read stories, did some reflective writing, and completed an introductory lesson for the Lego class where they learned about the Lego pieces and how they will be able to program the Lego "Brains". All students had a snack during the four-hour program and even got to carry out a take-home lunch.
“We’re excited to be able to offer the kinds of support that our community surveys indicated they need,” said Whitney Holton, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services. “The Expanded Learning Opportunities grant makes it possible to augment our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and offer a range of supplemental support to our students.”
Several schools also will host a Saturday program for eligible students in the coming months. Other examples of supplemental supports coming to schools this year include:
- Increased after school programs.
- Additional Math Specialists at each school.
- Additional reading support for primary grade students.
- Staff designated to support students who struggle with behavior and social emotional issues.