Find Out About Design Thinking 2/28
Parents of 1st-3rd graders can try design thinking activities on Wed., Feb. 28th, from 2:30-3:30p

Design thinking is spreading across Campbell Union School District. Some parents are wondering what it is.
If your student will be entering grades 2-4 in the coming school year, you can learn about design thinking together at this special experience and tour at the future home of the Campbell School of Innovation, 295 Cherry Lane, Campbell.
Advance reservations recommended.
To reserve an activity kit and a spot at this event, please RSVP by Thursday, February 22 to 408-341-7137 or
Bring your child and curiosity to explore the campus and the design thinking process together!
Campbell School of Innovation (CSI) is a new public school that will use design thinking as the strategy to bring rigorous, standards-based instruction to preschool through 8th grade students. It will open August 2018 for grades TK-4, and enrollment is happening now.