“Arm” Yourself: Free Flu Shots Available
Saturdays, for ages 3 and up, at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds
Every Saturday now through Dec.12 (except Nov. 28th)
9 AM – 4 PM
Santa Clara Fairgrounds, 344 Tully Rd, San Jose.
* Hosted by County of Santa Clara; Free regardless of health insurance or immigration status
Is flu vaccine safe?
Flu vaccines are made using strict safety and production measures. Millions of people have safely received flu vaccines for decades. Flu shots and nasal spray flu vaccines are both options for vaccination. Different types of flu vaccines are licensed for different ages. Each person should get one that is appropriate for their age. CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend an annual flu vaccine for all children 6 months and older.
What are the benefits of getting a flu vaccine?
• A flu vaccine can keep you and yourchild from getting sick.
• Flu vaccines can keep your child frombeing hospitalized from flu.
• Flu vaccine can prevent your child fromdying from flu.
• Flu vaccination also may make yourillness milder if you do get sick.
• Getting yourself and your childvaccinated also can protect others