CUSD Teachers Explore Research-Based Best Practices For Teaching Math
Stanford’s Dr. Jo Boaler to speak at the 3/10 professional development day

How should we teach mathematics with a “growth mindset” to help students and teachers understand that struggle leads to effective brain development? How do different teaching approaches impact students' learning? And how can all learners be engaged in mathematics? These are topics that Stanford Professor Dr. Jo Boaler, author and world renowned leader in mathematics teaching and learning, will share with Campbell Union School District’s teachers at the March 10th Professional Development day.
The challenges of distance learning during the pandemic had a significant impact on students' math scores, according to a 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) report. CUSD’s leaders saw the challenge in their own students. As a result they sought out experts to support the district’s commitment to high quality first instruction to ensure students are learning to their highest potential.
“We’re excited to have our educators hear from an internationally recognized expert in mathematics,” said Whitney Holton, Associate Superintendent of Teaching & Learning. “Dr. Boaler’s visit is an outstanding example of how we live our value of ‘We are Learners’. By connecting with experts in the field and forming partnerships to engage in research, we learn together how to improve the outcomes for students in math.”