Reopening Roundup
With in-person learning, some normalcy returns.
With most of our students back on campus for in-person hybrid instruction, we are seeing the return of some familiar and enjoyable school happenings. Mask-wearing students and teachers line up, greet each other happily, chat as they walk to class. They may be socially distanced, but the learning, idea sharing, and playing during recess and physical education classes bring a welcome feeling of normalcy back to school.
Now that our schools will increase in-person instructional time on Monday, May 3, families may be wondering what other school-related opportunities will be available. Here’s a quick run-down.
Beyond the School Day
- After school programs: The district’s Expanded Learning Dept. will be changing its after school program hours at elementary sites to accommodate the schedule changes happening on May 3rd. For details about registration, go to
- Sports: Our Athletic League has determined that it will not have competitions this year.
- Summer programs:
Expanded Learning will offer summer recreation/enrichment camps starting June 21. Registration opens in May. Details at
The district’s Academic Summer School will be by invitation only, and dependent on how many summer teaching positions we can fill.
Next School Year
- We are planning for a traditional school schedule for the 2021-22 school year.
- There may be a small middle school pilot program for distance learning, but there are no plans currently for continuing large-scale distance learning. The June 2020 SB98 legislation, a bill that provided essential flexibility for distance learning, expires on June 30, 2021. And the March 2021 AB86 legislation, which focused on providing in-person learning, remains in effect.