Update: Independent study option for students at a health risk with in-person instruction
A Message from the Superintendent

Thank you to all of the families who completed our planning survey. The preliminary data shows that most of our students are planning to return for in-person instruction on August 19. The survey for families to inform us that they are considering Independent Study (I.S.) closes on Thur., July 29, at 7p.m.
Responding to the survey that you are considering I.S. does not bind you to that option; it just provides us with the numbers needed for planning.*
As we shared before, the district has three ways in which we are able to provide I.S. and meet the requirements of a new law, AB 130. To provide the Independent Study program, we intend to have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with another Local Education Agency (LEA). We are still finalizing this agreement. Once the MOU is final, we will send families who indicated a need for I.S. a notice of a virtual meeting where we will share the specifics of the plan.
The LEA will provide parents/guardians with a Written Independent Study Agreement that outlines the I.S. program and must be signed in order for the student to participate. Under this written agreement, the student will be enrolled with the LEA for Independent Study. If it is later determined that the student is no longer at a health risk with in-person instruction, the student will be re-enrolled in Campbell Union School District. We will attempt to place the student in the school assigned before choosing I.S., but we cannot guarantee it due to space availability.
Still need to take the survey? Take the Survey in English. Toma la encuesta en español.
* Please note that students with an IEP cannot be placed in I.S. unless/until the IEP team decides it is required for the child to receive Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and determines this placement is appropriate for the student’s individual needs. For information, please contact Annette Blanco in the Special Education Dept., ablanco@campbellusd.org or 408-341-7219.