New Independent Study Option for Students with Health Risks
Parents asked to take survey about in-person or independent study by July 29th

This week, the District sent all families a survey related to planning for the beginning of the school year and asked that parents/guardians respond as soon as possible.
Under a new law—AB 130, the TK-Grade 12 Education Budget Trailer Bill—schools are expected to fully reopen for in-person instruction while also offering an independent study option for students whose health would be put at risk by in-person instruction, as determined by the parent or guardian.
Published on July 12th for school districts to process, this late-arriving legislation has created a very tight timeline for us to plan for and communicate options to parents and guardians. An official notice describing parent/guardian rights pertaining to the independent study option will be sent to families on July 23rd.
With a July 29 deadline to respond, the survey will help determine how many students may require independent study due to personal health risks.
The survey, which is in English and Spanish, is available online, and printed versions are available from the Campbell Union School District administration office at 1545 N 3rd Street, near downtown Campbell.