Students Celebrated as Published Authors
District hosts 16th annual Rising Young Author recognition

On October 3rd, more than 120 people gathered to celebrate 14 talented student authors at Campbell Union School District’s 16th Annual Rising Young Authors awards, at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore - Stevens Creek store. The students spoke to the audience about their books and autographed copies for their fans.
See event videos about each of the authors on our Youtube channel: Campbellusd.
Their publications cover a wide range of topics and genres. To Be Her, a poem by Nicole Washington, offers a glimpse into the reflections of an adolescent girl. Mr. Linden’s Library, by Noelle Trinidad takes the reader on a mystical, mysterious adventure. Works by other Rising Young Authors include reports about animals, a persuasive essay about risk and rescue, and fictional stories where talking animals win battles and heroes and heroines save the day.
The Rising Young Authors are a select group of students in grades 3 through 7 whose short stories, essays, research papers and poems were among the hundreds entered in the District’s annual Writing Faire last May. Judges review the entries for technical excellence, focus, structure, use of creative expression, vocabulary, word combinations, and originality in ideas and/or presentation of ideas and choose two students from each school for the Accomplished Writer award. Those students may then be eligible for the Rising Young Author recognition.
The recognition program features video vignettes of each student author and a book-signing event immediately following the presentation of awards. The Rising Young Author award includes one professionally printed copy of his or her work for the school library and a personal copy to keep, a gift certificate from the Assistance League of Los Gatos-Saratoga, a personal writer’s journal from Barnes & Noble, and a chance to win a Nook e-reader from School Innovations & Achievement.
The Rising Young Authors of 2018
(Click the author's name to see the book online)
Khiley Zamora Alexia Henry Noelle Trinidad Allyson Jezyk Hailey Hinkle Emily Crecelius Leyla Medina |
Keion Ashjaee-Marshall Nicole Washington Carol Gonzalez Stella M. Walker Isabel Pagan Ana Paula Jauregui Sara Chaudoin |