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Exemplary Support for All Students

Award-winning School Linked Services (SLS) program supports student academic achievement by addressing student wellness.

Extensive partnerships help more students succeed

An innovative approach to student and family services has made Campbell Union School District ‘s School Linked Services (SLS) a model program for supporting student academic achievement by way of student wellness. The program helps students come to school ready to learn, allows teachers more opportunity to teach, engages families more effectively, and improves school outcomes for the child.

Our broad network community partnerships provide school and community based services to help students and their families work through social-emotional and health-related issues or a family crisis. It is one example of how Campbell Union School District addresses the needs of all students, works to improve students’ academic performance, and meaningfully involves their parents in the child’s education.

The positive impact that SLS has had on students recently earned it the County’s Hoffmann Exemplary Program Award. The video below provides an overview of Campbell Union School District’s School Linked Services program. For more details, contact Deniss Escorcia Dimas.

Watch the video.