Hacks to Beat Summer Boredom
Tips to keep students active and continue learning even in the summer
The excitement that often comes with the summer break from school tends to wear off after a few weeks, and children begin to complain that “there’s nothing to do.” We’ve collected ideas that you might find helpful as you keep your child active and interested in the weeks before school resumes.
READ FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY. Reading every day is a great habit to reinforce. Magazines, books, newspapers—reading keeps their imagination engaged and helps prevent learning loss. It is also a great quiet-time activity. Many children, especially struggling readers, forget some of what they've learned or slip out of practice during the summer months. It doesn’t matter when they read, just that they do it every day.
BE CREATIVE EVERY DAY. Whether it is arts and crafts, dancing, music, or a play, creating something can build confidence and resourcefulness. There are many craft kits and inexpensive supplies everywhere. Learn a new dance step, draw or perform scenes from a favorite movie, decorate a room, or write a new ending to a well-known story. Just do something creative every day.
GET OUTSIDE AND BE ACTIVE EVERY DAY. Being active for at least 20 minutes a day is not only good for the body; it’s good for the mind. There are so many options: take a walk in the neighborhood, visit a park or playground, jump rope, dance, play tag or catch or other neighborhood games.
More ideas online: