Jan. 15: Update on Reopening for In-person Instruction
A Message from the Superintendent

Last night, I provided an update to the Governing Board on the status of our Reopening Plans in light of new developments related to the pandemic.
I shared that, just yesterday afternoon, the California Public Health Department released new guidelines. We will be reviewing the new guidelines to ensure we have addressed all necessary elements. These amended guidelines are required for all schools in the state.
I reiterated our plan to not move to Phase 2 of reopening until we are in the Red (Substantial) Tier. We are monitoring developments related to the pandemic, supporting students and staff with remote learning, and readying for when we are able to begin our phased-in approach. We have started our employee COVID-19 testing. Our CampbellCare, preschools, and infant/toddler programs remain open, and we continue to advocate for our district’s needs to support students and staff.
On Dec. 30, the Governor announced a proposal for grant funds to support a phased-in reopening of schools for in-person instruction. He proposes $2 billion for a return to in-person instruction, funded through Prop 98 funds. His plan would provide about $450 per student as an incentive grant to fund the added costs of reopening. It must be approved by legislation, which means we anticipate adjustments to the proposal over the coming weeks, even as we work to submit our plan by the Feb. 1 deadline.
Throughout the months of this pandemic, we have had to be adaptable as we support our students and remain focused on their education and safety. We are remaining vigilant and preparing to act on the next phase of our plan when conditions allow.