Florida Tragedy: Message from the Superintendent

Our hearts go out to the families and staff involved in yesterday’s tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Florida. We hope and pray that nothing like that ever happens in our schools or community. However, if it does, we are prepared.
We take safety very seriously, and practice our emergency response plans frequently. Our training in the Incident Command System (ICS) is one way in which do our best to protect students and ourselves. Our trainings include working directly with professional fire and police officials who use ICS for emergency response and communications.
We also partner with community health services to help our students and families who need support with social-emotional and other non-instructional issues.
A tragedy such as this reminds us to hug our loved ones a little tighter and appreciate each day a little more. Be well.
— District Superintendent Shelly Viramontez, Ed.D.