Amy Vanderbosch is CUSD Teacher of the Year
She will represent the District's teachers in the county program this fall.

As Teacher of the Year for Campbell Union School District, Rolling Hills Middle School Teacher Amy Vanderbosch, pictured here with colleagues, will represent the district at a county level recognition program in September 2018.
Colleagues who nominated her say:
“Amy is a masterful teacher and coach to both her colleagues and her students...She gives of herself professionally and consistently adds her own warm personal touch to every one of her relationships...She exemplifies the culture every school strives to build...She is an integral member of the school community, both in and out of the classroom...She elicits the very best from everyone she works with, adults and students alike!”
For most of her 19 years in CUSD, Amy has taught seventh and eighth grade in Rolling Hills and Campbell middle schools. She has also been an Intervention Specialist, providing additional academic support for students who need it. For the past three years, she has been a Teacher on Special Assignment, coaching and assisting teachers with evaluating student progress, and significantly increasing their ability to meet each child’s learning needs. An expert in English Language Development instruction, Vanderbosch also teaches designated ELD and shares strategies to enhance her students’ learning with teachers in their other classes.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies, a master’s in Education/Administration and Supervision, and a multiple subject credential all from San Jose State University.