Make Time for Mental Health
Stressed? Depressed? Trying Your Best? Come to Wellness Week Activities!

May 13 – 17 is Wellness Week. As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we have planned many activities to help families be well and to spotlight the importance of overall wellness for our school community. Presentations for students, staff and parents will take place at the Monroe Middle School campus, in addition to lunch-time activities that focus on ways to attain mental, physical, and social-emotional wellness.
Flyers with more details are on your school’s e-flyers page, or from the Campbell Union School District Public Information Office, 408-341-7254.
(Taking place at Monroe Middle School campus)
Monday May 13th
Understanding the Teenage Brain, 8:30-9:30am in the MMS Cafeteria
Wednesday May 15th
Supporting your child's Mental Health, 8:30am-9:30am in the MMS Cafeteria
Wednesday May 15th
Community Safety & Earthquake Preparedness – 6:00-7:00pm in the MMS Cafeteria
Thursday- May 16th
• Vaping 101 for Parents, 8:45am-10:00am in the MMS Cafeteria
• Stress Management, 6:00–7:00pm in the MMS Cafeteria
• Yoga and Zumba for Parents, 7:00-8:30pm in the MMS Cafeteria
Friday May 17th
International Day Celebration, 5:00-8:00pm in the MMS Quad
ALL ACTIVITIES FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the following partners: SCCOE (Tobacco Use Prevention Education grant, School Linked Services, CASSY (Counseling and Support Services for Youth), El Camino’s 5210 program, Alum Rock Counseling Center, the District Attorney's office, Uplift Family Services and others.