We Educate the Whole Child

Academic and behavior intervention services support the instructional, social and emotional needs of all students so they can feel safe and thrive.

Interventions Support Learning

Academic Interventions at School

The most important element to providing instruction to meet the needs of all learners is the focus on high quality first instruction in the traditional classroom.  

The Governing Board has adopted state standards of proficiency in reading comprehension, writing and computational skills and in other appropriate areas. Students are assessed for these basic skills and receive interventions when needed.

When it becomes necessary to supplement the instructional practices for struggling students we provide academic interventions in various ways. Following are some, but not all, of the interventions that may be provided:

  • Use of a strategic student study team to identify student strengths and weaknesses
  • Targeted small group instruction with students of similar abilities   
  • Targeted iReady Instructional Lessons  
  • Time with Reading Intervention Teacher  
  • Before or after school additional support
  • Work with Student Support Coaches or Instructional Aides
  • Saturday Intervention Classes
  • Summer School 

Behavioral Interventions at School

Intervention strategies reflect the Board's preference for the use of positive interventions and alternative disciplinary measures over exclusionary discipline measures as a means for correcting student misbehavior. Counselors work in conjunction with the Administrator and staff to develop, implement, and monitor tiered interventions for students.  

The following list provides examples of the interventions that may be provided:

  • Check in Check Out
  • Social Skills Group
  • Visual Schedule
  • Class meetings
  • Verbal prompts and re-corrections
  • Proximity
  • Sensory tools
  • Preferential Seating
  • Behavior Support Plan
  • Individual counseling
  • Self management strategies
  • Quiet work area
  • Buddy Teacher
  • Acknowledgement programs

We offer additional support for homeless and foster youth as stated in our Governing Board Policy. The liaison for these services is
Director of Student Student Services Pablo Viramontes.
Campbell Union School District
408-364-4200 ext. 6285

Restraint and Seclusion Data

Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 1466 on October 8, 2023. This law seeks to increase transparency by allowing members of the public easy access to information relevant to the control of student behavior in school environments and requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to post on their websites the same data related to restraint and seclusion that they are currently required to share annually, with the California Department of Education (CDE).

Information regarding Campbell Union School District's use of restraint and/or seclusion can be found on the California Department of Education's (CDE) Restraint and Seclusion Data webpage. For information regarding the data CDE collects, please see their Information about Restraint and Seclusion Data page.

Student Success Team

The SST process is a general education function designed to address the social, emotional and academic needs of all students. The classroom teacher and/or another staff member can refer students for an SST meeting.

Through a leveled process, the classroom teacher, parents, other staff members and site administrator(s) create an action plan based on the student’s strengths and challenges.

The plan identifies strategies and interventions that will best address the student’s needs. In addition, the action plan includes input and participation by the parent, the classroom teacher and all appropriate staff members who have knowledge of the student and their work.

Once completed, we implement the plan immediately. 

* Additional academic and behavioral interventions may be available at the child’s school site. Contact the school principal for details.

Our Support Team

Community Liaisons

Our Community Liaisons help families connect to school and community resources that support the child’s well being, and they engage with parents to promote active involvement in the child’s school success through the crisis and beyond. Partnerships with local service agencies augment the support we are able to offer students and families.  If your child needs additional support, please contact your school’s Community Liaison or our School Linked Services Coordinator.

Mariza Ramans



Astrid Sanz



Irama Mendoza



Noelia Smith



Maria Garcia

Coordinator, School Linked Services Campus Collaborative

Monroe Middle


Veronica Ramirez

Sherman Oaks


Mariza Ramans

District-wide Community Liaison


Fany Arellano

Coordinator, School Linked Services Campus Collaborative



Veronica Gutierrez

for Parent & Community Engagement
School Linked Services


Questions? Contact us at (408) 364-4200 x6254 or   contact@campbellusd.org