The Crew
Tax ID # 77-0226428
Registration Information:
Registration for 5th grade students going to Rolling Hills and Monroe for 2024-2025 will take place in May to align with CUSD's school placement notifications. Registration for current 6th and 7th grade students at these two schools will open on March 11, 2024. Monroe families will be notified through Parent Sqaure. Rolling Hills families will be able to register HERE. 5th-7th grade students at CSI and Sherman Oaks will follow the same reigstration process as noted on
We historically do not reach capacity at the Rolling Hills and Monroe programs. Parents interested should be able to register with ease through our "first day of school start" cut off date of August 1, 2024.
Dear Campbell Union School District Families:
The Expanded Learning Department has made some adjustments to the CampbellCare after-school registration process. We also want to share how our enrollment must be prioritized based on new legislation. The Expanded Learning Department will implement the new registration process for this coming school year.
- The legislation requires that priority placement be given to students in grades TK-6 who meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Homeless or Foster Youth
- English Learner
- Free or Reduced Lunch Status
The families of eligible students will be given the opportunity to enroll first, then, if capacity allows, enrollment will be opened up to all. If the number of interested applicants exceeds capacity, there will be a lottery. ELOP applications will be processed in priority of the day in which the completed application was received, rather than the previous minute by minute priority process.
We are aware of the need for high quality before and after school care for our families, and we are continuing our commitment to hire more staff. We appreciate the support you provide when you refer responsible friends and family members to job openings on our Employment page at
Program Information:
The Crew is where middle school students can relax, listen to music, receive homework help, play video and table top games in a safe and fun place. Students have computer access, enjoy a daily snack, and participate in a variety of recreational activities, including S.T.E.A.M. activities, field trips, outdoor sporting events, movies, games and tournaments, and much more!
After-School Program Hours: School Dismissal - 6:00pm, Monday-Friday
Sample Schedule
2:30-2:50 Check in and Snack
3:00-4:00 Learning Lounge (HW Time)
4:00-4:30 Structured Recreation
4:30-4:45 Snack
4:45-5:45 STEAM Workshop
5:45-6:00 Check-out
In-service Day Camps
November 1, 2024
November 25 and 26, 2024
February 18, 19, 20, 2025
March 21, 2025
April 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2025
Registration opens about 1 month before the in-service date. Register at:
- Who: Currently enrolled 2024-2025 Campbell Union Schiool District TK-8th grade students
- Registration: Register at the link on the top of the page once the noted registration is open. Registration will close one week prior to the start of the in-service or when capacity is reached. Whichever occurs first.
- Location: TBD
- Program Hours: 7:45pm-6:00pm, drop off or pick up anytime within program hours
- Price: $75 per student per day. No discounts apply. Can register for single or multiple days.
- Refunds: Registration is not refundable after the drop date listed on the registration page. Registrations are not transferable.
Sample Schedule:
- 7:45-8:30 Indoor Choice
- 8:30-12:30 Legos, Art, and Recreation
- 12:30-1:00 Lunch
- 1:00-1:30 Outdoor choice
- 1:30-4:30 Art, Trivia, Recreation
- 4:30-5:00 Snack and Outdoor Choice
- 5:00-6:00 Indoor Choice