School Placement Lotteries

School placement notices and lottery wait lists for the 2022-23 school year are closed.
The 2023-24 enrollment period will begin at 8 a.m. om January 17, 2023. Stay informed with updates on school websites.

Waiting Lists

Campbell Union School District conducts a School Placement Lottery in April to establish Waiting Lists for certain grades and schools and posts the results on this page. In October, the lists close for the remainder of the school year. Board Policy 5116.1 and its administrative regulations delineate how we determine school placements.

“If the number of applications exceeds the available space in the school or in a grade level within a school, a lottery will determine which students are to be admitted from the total applicants within each separate priority. A waiting list will be made indicating the order in which students will be admitted as openings occur. The first lottery name drawn from a priority will be the first admitted, as openings occur until October 15.” (Admin Regulation 5116.1)

If you have questions, please contact our Enrollment Office staff by emailing