1 day ago
With a mind to the future...
🌟 CampbellUSD’s Superintendent, Dr. Shelly Viramontez, was a presenter at the AIM FOR IMPACT Virtual Summit, where she joined a dynamic panel of education leaders in the session "From Classroom to Career: Developing Tomorrow’s Workforce Today." The session focused on exploring how AI is revolutionizing education and equipping students for the future. 🚀📚
Hosted by @panorama_education, this summit brought together top superintendents, K-12 leaders, and education innovators to share real-world AI success stories in schools.
3 days ago
Capacitar a los estudiantes para que moldeen su aprendizaje 🧑🎓
En Campbell USD, los estudiantes tienen voz en las decisiones que impactan su experiencia escolar y fomentan un sentido de propiedad, confianza y compromiso en su aprendizaje. https://buff.ly/3CJdFIb
3 days ago
Empowering Students to Shape Their Learning 🧑🎓
In Campbell USD, students have a voice in decisions that impact their school experience, and foster a sense of ownership, confidence, and engagement in their learning. https://buff.ly/3CJdFIb
3 days ago
¡Febrero es el Mes del Liderazgo Juvenil! Celebramos a nuestros estudiantes líderes que abogan, inspiran y lideran con integridad. ¡Sigamos apoyando a la próxima generación de agentes de cambio!
3 days ago
February is Youth Leadership Month! We're celebrating our student leaders who advocate, inspire, and lead with integrity. Let’s continue to support the next generation of changemakers!
1 week ago
El Día Nacional de la Libertad honra el momento histórico del 1 de febrero de 1865 cuando el presidente Abraham Lincoln firmó la resolución conjunta aprobada por el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes para proponer la decimotercera enmienda a la Constitución, un acto que sentó las bases para abolir la esclavitud y garantizar la libertad para todos en los Estados Unidos.
1 week ago
National Freedom Day honors the historic moment on February 1, 1865, when President Abraham Lincoln signed the joint resolution passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives to propose the 13th Amendment to the Constitution—an act that laid the foundation for abolishing slavery and ensuring freedom for all in the United States.
1 month ago
Como parte de nuestro compromiso de ser una organización solidaria, ofrecemos esta lista de formas de ayudar a las víctimas de los incendios forestales que están ocurriendo actualmente en Los Ángeles. https://buff.ly/4adSNoA
1 month ago
As part of our commitment to being a caring organization, we are offering this list of ways to help victims of the wildfires now happening in Los Angeles. https://buff.ly/4adSNoA
1 month ago
Welcome to 2025! We wish our community a healthy and successful new year.
1 month ago
Thank you to our community partners who brought extra joy to our students this month. / Gracias a nuestros socios comunitarios que trajeron alegría extra a nuestros estudiantes este mes.
1 month ago
Thank you to our community partners who brought extra joy to our students this month. / Gracias a nuestros socios comunitarios que trajeron alegría extra a nuestros estudiantes este mes.
District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination,
including harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on
the student's actual or perceived sex, gender, ethnicity, ethnic group
identification, religion, color, race, ancestry, national origin,
nationality, and physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientation,
ancestry, marital or parental or pregnancy status, gender identity, or
gender expression, the perception of one or more of such characteristics;
or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or
perceived characteristics.
This policy shall apply to all acts related to school activity or to
school attendance occurring within a district school, and to acts which
occur off campus or outside of school-related or school-sponsored
activities but which may have a significant impact or create a hostile
environment at school
Nondiscrimination policies also apply to all acts of the governing board,
the district superintendent, and the county superintendent of schools in
enacting the local educational agency’s policies and procedures.
In accordance with California Education Code, 221.6, Campbell Union School
District provides the following information for pupils and the public.