Apply to Serve on Oversight Committee
Campbell Union School District is accepting applications to fill vacant seats on its Citizens Bond and Parcel Tax Oversight Committee.

The school district Governing Board appoints an independent citizens committee to oversee the expenditures and uses of bond and parcel tax funds, and to report findings to the public. The Citizens Oversight Committee reviews school district spending and ensures that bond and parcel tax revenues are spent only for the purpose set before the voters.
Oversight Committee members represent various parts of the community: businesses, senior citizens, taxpayer organizations, and parents of students enrolled in the District. These members serve for a term of two years without compensation and for no more than two consecutive terms. (Education Code Section 15282(a))
Campbell Union School District operates classes for preschool through eighth-grade students from the communities of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Saratoga. The bond funds from help to repair and improve the district’s 12 elementary and middle schools. Parcel tax funds support instructional programs that directly benefit students.
Applications are available by contacting Christina Tran, Campbell Union School District, or 408-364-4200 ext. 6215. More info on District’s Oversight Committee web page.