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APPROVED: Proposed TK-8 School Boundaries

Transformation to the Campbell School of Innovation includes adjustments to attendance area boundaries. Approved by the Governing Board November 16, 2017.

boundary map image

(Editor's note: This December 1 article is an update to the original posted November 15, 2017.)

THE NEW BOUNDARIES will be in effect until Campbell School of Innovation is fully enrolled from Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade.
See the approved boundary map

Staff and Board Planning and Consideration for the 2018-19 School Year:

At a Board study session on October 12, a demographer and the Deputy Superintendent provided information on the projected enrollments throughout the district to allow for complete transition to Campbell School of Innovation.  The following decisions were made:

  • Balance the size of the two remaining middle schools
  • Middle schools will serve 6-8th grade, 5th grades remain at elementary schools
  • Dual choice for Rosemary area for students transitioning to middle school
  • Busing to be provided for Rosemary students attending Rolling Hills
  • Reduce the size of the two largest elementary schools, Capri and Castlemont
  • Established capacity for each school (minimum and maximum)
  • Anticipated projected enrollment for the middle schools will be between 1,000 and 1,100
  • Reduce the CSI boundaries to allow capacity for enrollment of students outside of CSI boundaries

* Enrollment preference will still be provided to all families through the Open Enrollment process.  Additionally, if a student currently attending a school now resides in the new CSI boundaries, the student will be provided with the option to remain at the school they are currently attending.

Community Meetings

A community meeting was held at 295 Cherry Lane, Campbell (Campbell Middle School) at 6:00 p.m. on November 14th.  Information about the school’s focus, facilities and enrollment will be discussed. The input provided at this meeting was shared with the Board at the November 16th Board meeting.

Additional meetings are scheduled for December and January.

A Review of the Process So Far:

Transition Team Decisions for Opening a TK-8 School:

  • Open as a TK - 4 school in August of 2018
  • Limit Campbell Middle School attendance to only 7th and 8th to allow for renovation to begin in January of 2018.
  • Close Campbell Middle school at the end of the 2017-18 school year with a celebratory event
  • Provide additional supports all three middle schools to support the transition process.  Deans and Counselors were added to support increased enrollment and transition needs. 
  • Decreased enrollment at Campbell Middle School allows for renovation of the north side of the campus to accommodate the primary grades

Implementation Team Decisions:

  • The community selected the name Campbell School of Innovation (CSI) for the TK-8 school
  • Norma Jean Ready (former Campbell Middle and Capri principal) was provided the 2017-18 school year to plan the program for the new school.
  • A Design team consisting of three Teachers (Matt Carney, Alicia Hamilton and Amanda Haughes) Principal, (Ted Cribari), Director of Innovation and Digital Learning, (Kami Thordason), and District Technology Teachers (Julie Goo and Misty Klausner) and Assistant Superintendent of Instruction (Whitney Holton)
  • The focus of Campbell School of Innovation (CSI) will be Design Thinking in collaboration with Stanford d.School
  • Begin hiring staff for CSI in January – anticipated staffing is 12-14 teachers
  • The decision of grade span increases will be determined by site capacity due to construction timelines and enrollment

The boundaries for elementary schools—grades TK-4th—can be viewed online or at the Campbell Union School District administration office. These boundaries will remain in effect until the school is fully enrolled for all grades. Then it will become a "non-boundary" school.

The public can give input on boundaries by contacting the District's Public Information Office, 408-341-7254 or Agendas for Board meetings are posted online and at school and district offices.