Voters Approve New Parcel Tax to Support Student Success
Funds to protect academic programs and retain qualified teachers in local elementary and middle schools

Local Funding to Support Student Success
On May 5, 2015, Campbell Union School District (CUSD) voters approved Measure B, a special parcel tax assessment of $49 that is the first ever for the preschool-through-eighth-grade school district. The funds will help the District maintain core academic programs like reading, writing, math and hands-on science, retain qualified teachers, provide support for struggling students and offer advanced courses for high-performing students.
“We are so grateful for the support from our community,” said Superintendent Eric Andrew. “Voters have provided the district with an additional source of stable funding to help ensure that we continue the academic success our students have achieved.”
The measure would last for eight years and could not be renewed without voter approval. It requires fiscal accountability measures, including citizen oversight, annual reports to the community to ensure funds are spent as promised and no funds to be used to fund administrators’ salaries.
The tax is assessed against each parcel of taxable land within CUSD boundaries, which includes parts of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara and Saratoga. The tax expires in June 2023, and can only be renewed with voter approval.
Homeowners age 65 and older, and individuals who receive Supplemental Secure Income (SSI) benefits, may apply for an exemption.
The following people may apply for exemptions, if they choose to do so:
・ Senior Citizens (65 years or older) who own and reside in a parcel.
・ Individuals deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration and receiving Supplemental Security income as a result.
Exemption application forms will be available at local public at local libraries, all elementary and middle schools in Campbell Union School District, from the District administration office, online.To ask that forms be mailed to you, or for other information, call 408-341-7254.
Download the Fact Sheet Fact Sheet in Spanish Parcel Tax Page