Enrollment Begins January 19 for the 2021-22 School Year
Schools offer virtual visits.
Parents of young children may be looking ahead to August and the day their child starts kindergarten. There is much to be hopeful about this new stage in your child’s lifetime of learning. And as the pandemic subsides, we eagerly anticipate welcoming students back to our classrooms and a more familiar school experience than has been the case this year.
Whether you are new to the enrollment process or revisiting it, we offer this overview to get you started.
How do I register my child for school?
Starting January 19th, parents may use a computer or smartphone to register their child online for the 2021-22 school year. Our Enrollment staff is happy to help and are available by phone and email.
- Email: https://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=FjhzcCkITW8fGCNNHQpDYwwtdDlrNSIxN3dn_1464/r=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FtcGJlbGx1c2Qub3JnL25ld3MvZW5yb2xsbWVudDIwMjEtMDExMzIwMjE-3D/v=Mi4z/p=OC4yLjIx or https://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=Di53djcBV18POS1cEh9NahUyZWRgaSpTbjE3d2c-3D_1464/r=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FtcGJlbGx1c2Qub3JnL25ld3MvZW5yb2xsbWVudDIwMjEtMDExMzIwMjE-3D/v=Mi4z/p=OC4yLjIx
- Phone: 408-364-4200
(Note: In-person assistance is available by appointment only, and all COVID-19 safety precautions must be observed.)
At what age may my child attend Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
Kindergarten is for children who will be five years old on or before September 1.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is for children who will be five years old between Sept. 2 and Dec. 2. TK is the first year of a two-year Kindergarten program that uses a modified Kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.
Which is my school?
Your elementary or middle school is determined by your child’s home address. To confirm which is your attendance-area school, visit our Online School Locator or phone: (408) 364-4200. More information about school placement is available on our Enrollment FAQ page.
To learn more about the school we suggest you attend a virtual visit.
Students are assigned to their attendance-area school, except in cases of school transfer through Open Enrollment or other special circumstance. (Requesting a different in-district school requires an extra step during our Open Enrollment period, which ends Fri., Feb. 12 at 4pm.)
What documents are needed?
Proof of residence, immunizations, and certain other documents are required for school.
Is there childcare?
Yes, onsite childcare—called CampbellCare—is available before and after school. Learn more.
What about COVID-19?
We are committed to providing safe learning environments and quality education, so that all of our students may reach their highest potential. We are continuing to monitor the pandemic circumstances, and we are being told that while we may still need to offer additional safety protocols, when the new school year begins in August 2021, it will be more like we are used to. Should conditions require us to continue to be more cautious, we have the assurance that our School Reopening Plan was reviewed and approved by State and County public health officials and meets all requirements and recommendations from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department.