Special Education Services

Specialized Academic Instruction - Resource (RSP)

The Resource Specialist Program is a program that provides differentiated and scaffolded instruction to students with needs that prevent their participation in less restrictive class placements 100% of the academic day, but whose skills are not severe enough/significant enough that a separate setting would be required for 51% or more of the instructional day. This program is centered on standards-based grade level academics, social skills, behavioral skills, and access to general education curricula.

Specialized Academic Instruction - Mild/Moderate SDC

Students in the Mild to Moderate Program receive services in self-contained settings along with pull out/push in related services. Instruction is provided primarily in small groups but includes individual/independent work and some whole group instruction. There is an emphasis on the use of scaffolded prompts, multiple opportunities for repeated learning, explicit direct instruction, and the use of visuals

Specialized Academic Instruction - Moderate/Severe SDC

The Moderate-Severe Program is a placement that provides intensive instruction and services to students with significant enough needs that their disability prevents them from accessing less restrictive special day class placements/general education placements. The program is centered on functional skills, basic academics, and access primarily to alternative curricula. Note: Students with orthopedic impairments, who are medically fragile, who have multiple disabilities, and who are deaf-blind often participate in programs operated via the county office of education or other alternative programs

Related Services

Related Services, are supportive services provided to help a student benefit from a special education program and are based on assessed need. The educational need is determined through an assessment during the IEP process.Designated instruction and services may include:

  • Speech and language development and remediation
  • Orientation and mobility instruction
  • Vision services
  • Adapted physical education
  • Occupational therapy
  • Transportation services
  • Specialized services for low-incidence disabilities
  • Extended school year
  • Health & nursing services
  • Mental health services

Special Education
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request records for my student?

At each school, the principal is the point of contact to access records for students enrolled at that school. For Special Education Student records requests, please contact Annette Blanco at 408-364-4200 ext6258 or at https://www.privatedaddy.com/?q=U0JjcGJwQWFIZjNDSnRTbVtTZDc8SzJmSWdp_1464/r=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FtcGJlbGx1c2Qub3JnL3NwZWNpYWxlZA-3D-3D/v=Mi4z/p=OC4yLjIx

How can I get an assessment for my student?

Referrals for assessment for special education services can come from a variety of sources. Parents or guardians may refer their student for assessment for special education services. Teachers, other school personnel, and community members may also refer a student for assessment. Additionally, the Student Success Team (SST) at your student’s school site may refer your student for assessment for special education services. The district is required to document that the student’s educational needs cannot be successfully met through a multi-tiered system of support and adjustment of the general education program before they make a referral for Special Education. Learn more about assessments at Campbell USD.

What is “free appropriate public education (FAPE)”?

Free, appropriate, public education (or FAPE) is the standard outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. By law, FAPE refers to special education and related services that:

Have been provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge; Meet the standards of the California Department of Education Include an appropriate preschool, elementary, or secondary school education Are provided in conformity with the student’s IEP.

What is the “least restrictive environment (LRE)”?

Special education programs must address eligible students’ educational needs in the least restrictive environment. The term “least restrictive environment” refers to the placement of special education students in an educational placement suitable for their needs. This standard is mandated by IDEA.

What other help is available if my child exhibits evidence of a disability, but does not meet Special Education eligibility criteria?

If the IEP Team determines that your child does not meet eligibility requirements for Special Education at this time the team will usually give you recommendations that may support your child within the general education classroom. Learn more about academic and behavior intervention services. Sometimes a student who does not meet the Special Education eligibility requirement, (i.e., the student’s disability did not significantly affect the student’s ability to learn) may qualify for services or accommodations under Section 504. Students who qualify under Section 504 are not required to have a written IEP document, but may receive accommodations to assist them in the classroom.

Section 504 is a civil rights statute designed to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities, which states: “No otherwise qualified individual with handicaps in the United States, shall, solely, by reason of his/her handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance…”

North West Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)

Campbell Union School District provides access to a complete copy of the North West SELPA local plan, annual budget plan, annual service plan, annual assurances support plan, and policies and procedures, as required by CA Education Code 56205.5. (To view the plans as PDF documents, click here, then scroll down the page to the regular PDF section.)

SELPA III Community Advisory Committee

SELPA III Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of parents and educators interested in helping children who have special educational needs.  The CAC represents eleven school districts​​ in Santa Clara County. The CAC meet during the school year to work with school district staff and administration to promote our student's needs and educate parents in our districts.​

Procedural Safeguards

Contact Us for Information

The Special Education team are here for you.

155 N 3rd St. Campbell, CA 95008
Tel (408) 364-4200 x 6258
Hrs 8:00am–4:30pm

All Department Staff

Records Request

Campbell Union School District recognizes the importance of keeping accurate, comprehensive student records and protecting their confidentiality, as required by law. Our District policies, practices, and procedures ensure the rights of authorized persons to have timely access to student records and protect students and their families from an invasion of privacy.